Actor, Animated, Comedian, Commercial, Corporate, Narrative, Neutral, Versatile, Warm
Norfolk, Neutral
Karl Minns is a prolific and creative comedy writer with over 20 years experience of working in theatre, radio, print media and T.V. He has written comedy series for TV and radio as well as over thirty full-length comedy stage shows. Karl writes for Have I Got News For You on BBC1 and has previously written for Russell Howard's Good News. He also wrote the 6-part series Mouth to Mouth for BBC3. Recently, Karl has written for Back of the Net (Amazon Prime), Al Murray's Great British Pub Quiz (Quest), The Week That Wasn't (Sky 1), Unspun With Matt Forde (Dave) and Roast Battle (Comedy Central). A former winner of the Daily Telegraph Open Mic Award, Karl is also part of sketch duo, The Nimmo Twins who enjoyed sell-out success at the Edinburgh Festival before becoming regulars on Radio 4’s Loose Ends. The Nimmos have played to audiences in Paris, New York, and Singapore, while in their native East Anglia, their hugely popular Normal for Norfolk shows have been running for 23 years.