David Quantick

Warm, friendly and laid-back

David Quantick


Emma Torrens

020 7287 1112


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Broadcaster, Corporate, Narrative, Presenter, Recognisable, Warm


Neutral, West Country

David Quantick won an Emmy as part of the writing team on Veep, a BAFTA for Harry Hill's TV Burp and a Writers’ Guild Award for The Thick Of It.
His recent books ‘How To Write Everything’ and ‘How to be A Writer’ (both published by Oberon) are indispensable, accessible and funny. He has written for everyone from The Duke of Edinburgh to Chris Morris. He writes and appears on The Now Show, writes The 15 Minute Musical both for Radio 4, as well as his own radio shows, The Blagger’s Guide for Radio 2, and One, and 52 First Impressions, both on Radio 4.

David is a much-admired music journalist, cultural commentator and an acclaimed best-selling author thanks to the Grumpy Old Men series of books and his new thriller The Mule, which was published through Unbound. He wrote the comedy drama, Snodgrass, starring Ian Hart, which is currently being developed as a feature and he’s been commissioned to write a new play for Northern Stage.